Nunavut - The New Territory




The Nunavut Land Claims Agreement was ratified by the Inuit of Nunavut in November of 1992. It was signed by the Prime Minister of Canada on May 25, 1993 in Iqaluit, and passed through the Canadian Parliament in June of the same year.

It is the largest aboriginal land claim settlement in Canadian history. In providing title to the Nunavut Inuit of 350,000 square-kilometers of land in the eastern Arctic, the agreement establishes clear rules of ownership and control over land and resources in the new Territory of Nunavut, which has an area of land one-fifth the size of Canada.

The Nunavut Land Claims Agreement is one of the most innovative of the "modern day treaties" concluded in Canada. Some of the more outstanding of its 41 articles include the following:

The above text was excerpted from the Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated web site at


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